Are you looking to change MOT date? You’ll be pleased to know that it is possible to change the due date of your MOT, but it isn’t something that is straightforward to do. To change the date of your MOT, you’ll need to have an MOT done on your car early, setting the new due date for your MOT in future years.
In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about changing the date of your MOT, as well as answering some of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to MOTs.
Can You Change An MOT Date?
If you’ve recently purchased a used car, you’ll have been told the date on which the MOT is due. If this date is not convenient, you might be wondering how you can change the date of the MOT to make it fit into your busy schedule.
It isn’t easy to change the date of an MOT. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as logging onto your computer and requesting a date change.
To change the date of your MOT, you’ll need to have an MOT carried out on your vehicle earlier than the due date. If your MOT is more than a month before the due date, it will be due again on the same date the following year.
This is the only way that you can change the date that your MOT is due. There is no way to delay your MOT date.
Check When MOT Is Due
Before you go ahead and book an MOT, it’s important to check when your MOT is due. Your MOT will usually be due on the anniversary of your car’s registration. However, this could vary if the vehicle has ever been taken for an MOT early.
If you’re unsure, you can find the due date on the government website. You’ll need to enter your registration plate and confirm that your details are correct before you are given the due date of your vehicle’s road tax and MOT.

How Early Can I Have An MOT Test?
If your car is due for an MOT test, you might be wondering how early you can book the test. The truth is, you can book your car in for an MOT at any time. It doesn’t need to be close to the due date to take your car for an MOT. However, if you have your MOT more than a month early, the due date of your next MOT will be one year minus one day from the date of your MOT.
If you want to keep your MOT date the same each year, you can take your car for an MOT up to a month before your MOT is due. Once it has passed its test, your vehicle will be signed off as safe to drive for another 12 months after your MOT due date.
This means that you can have an MOT up to one month early, without bringing your future due date sooner.
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Do You Get 14 Days Grace For An MOT?
When you receive your MOT certificate, it will have an expiry date on it. This is the date by which your car must be tested again. If you don’t get your car tested by this date, you’ll receive a penalty.
There is no grace period for MOTs in the UK. You must have an MOT test on or before the due date. If your MOT expires, you cannot park your car on a public road, or drive your vehicle. If you are caught doing so, you will risk a fine of up to £1,000.
What Happens If Your MOT Runs Out?
If your MOT expires, you must not park or drive your car on a public road. If you are caught doing so, you will face a hefty fine of up to £1,000. You should keep your vehicle on private property until you are able to take it for an MOT test. You may also need to declare your vehicle as SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) if you do not intend to obtain an MOT certificate for the vehicle.
Can You Drive A Car Without An MOT?
It is illegal to drive a car on a public road without an MOT certificate. If you are caught doing so, you will face a penalty of up to £1,000.
You should keep your vehicle off the road until you are able to take it for an MOT test. You may also need to declare your vehicle as SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) if you do not intend to obtain an MOT certificate for the vehicle.
The best way to avoid getting a penalty is to keep your car off the road until you are able to take it for an MOT test. You can book your car in for an MOT at any time, but if you have it done early, you will need to keep it off the road until your MOT test has been carried out.
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How Does An MOT Work?
The process of an MOT is a complex one that involves many different parts of a vehicle. There are now 40 separate sections on the test form and 19 separate elements within those sections. The tester must check all of the items on the form, and if your car fails any of the tests, it will not pass its MOT.
The tester will also check the general condition of your car and make sure that it is safe to drive. They will look for things such as worn tyres, faulty brakes and broken windscreens. If they find any of these problems, you will need to get your car repaired before your next MOT.
Where Can You Have An MOT?
An MOT can be carried out at a private garage or a testing station, but it must meet certain requirements in order to pass an MOT test. Testing stations are overseen by the Vehicle Operator and Services Agency (VOSA), and it is illegal for a station to carry out an MOT test unless it has been approved by VOSA.
You can find approved testing stations near you on the VOSA website. You can also get your car tested at a private garage, but make sure they are able to provide you with an MOT certificate if your car fails the test.

How Long Does An MOT Last?
An MOT certificate is valid for 12 months after the date of the test. This means that you can have your car tested up to one month before the expiry date on your MOT certificate, without altering the annual renewal date of your MOT.
How Long Does An MOT Take?
There is generally a short wait for an MOT, but you can book your car in to be tested at any time. You can expect your car to be at the garage for a full day when it is having an MOT, although the process itself only takes a couple hours.
If you rely on your car for your daily business, it’s worth looking for a garage which offers a courtesy car that you can use whilst your own vehicle is undergoing its MOT test.
How Much Does It Cost To Get An MOT?
The cost of an MOT varies depending on where you live and which type of test you have, but most garages charge between £20-£55 per car. You can also take advantage of special offers, so it’s a good idea to shop around for the best price.
What Happens If My Car Fails An MOT?
If your car fails its MOT, you will not be able to drive it on the road until it has been repaired. You can either have the car fixed at the garage you took it to or take it somewhere else, as long as they are able to provide you with an MOT certificate for your car once it’s been fixed.
If there is something wrong with your car that will affect its safety, such as faulty brakes or a broken windscreen, the VOSA will ask you to get it repaired and resubmit an MOT test for your car.
Most MOT test centres will offer a free retest within 14 days if it fails its MOT. This should be valid whether you have your car repaired by the same garage or if you take it elsewhere to be repaired.

How Can I Save Money On An MOT?
It’s possible for motorists in the UK to save money on an MOT. The cost of taking your car for an MOT varies from one test centre to another, so you may be able to get a cheaper MOT by going to a different garage.
You can also save money on an MOT if you get your car serviced at the same time. Many garages offer discounts for motorists who have their car serviced and MOT’ed at the same time.
It’s also worth checking the prices of special offers which are available at some test centres. MOT test centres usually offer motorist discounts for taking advantage of special offers, which could save you up to £100 on an MOT.
You can find out about the latest deals available by signing up to email alerts from your local MOT centre or looking online for discount codes that are valid at garages near you.
In Summary
An MOT is a vital part of car ownership, providing your vehicle with an annual check up to ensure that it is safe to drive. This helps to ensure both the safety of yourself as the driver and other road users.
Although it is not possible to change MOT date, you can have your MOT completed early, which will in turn make the annual renewal date of your MOT earlier.